WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
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What is vape tongue & How to remedy it?
What is vape tongue & How to remedy it?

What is vape tongue & How to remedy it?

What is vape tongue & How to remedy it?

If you vape the same flavor over and over again, you can develop what is known in the vaping world as vape tongue. This is a temporary condition that is not dangerous in any way though it can leave you with no taste in your mouth temporarily. Vape tongue can manifest in those whose taste buds have become overworked and fatigued. This tends to happen when you have vaped the same flavor of e-liquid over and over again. Once your taste buds are given a break from that flavor things will go back to normal.

There are other ways that can cause you to experience less or no flavor. Dehydration is another cause so keeping yourself and your mouth hydrated is a good way to combat vape tongue in this way. Your nose being stuffed up from allergies or a cold can affect your senses of both smell and taste. Some medications have also been known to have side effects that can cause a lack of flavor from taste buds as well.

There are a few ways that should help remedy this situation for you. Changing the flavor you are vaping and drink a glass or two of water is a great way to help reverse the effects of the vape tongue. You could also try sniffing coffee beans or suck on a lemon. Both are good ways to cleanse your palate which would be a big help too. Last but not least, just allow yourself time for your taste buds to regenerate. Keep in mind that it takes approximately two weeks for your taste buds to regenerate.