WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
VAPE MAIL BAN UPDATE! As of March 27th, 2021, Due to recent Federal Regulations Keno Vapor® will only ship to selected location: Shipping Now to: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia. Please visit State Regulations for more info. We are working to rectify the situation so we can continue to serve your vaping needs.

Is Vaping Allowed On Planes & Airports?
Is Vaping Allowed in Airports?

Is Vaping Allowed in Airports?

The FDA has recently ruled that you may not vape in any enclosed public space.

Every day it seems that new rules and regulations regarding vaping are being introduced. Where you can and cannot vape is becoming harder to discern. One place that is important to know if, when and where we may vape is at an airport. More specifically can you vape on a plane?


Can you vape in an airport? The FDA has recently ruled that you may not vape in any enclosed public space. This encompasses public rest rooms and public transportation as well as main public building space. Not only airports but also planes are included in this. If the airport you are traveling through has an antiquated smoking room (there are a few), you are permitted to vape in there. A better option would be to use another form of nicotine delivery system during travel such as nicotine gum or the nicotine patch. These smoking rooms are bound to smell quite foul and most likely won’t be centrally located or easily accessible.


Vaping on an airplane is greatly prohibited and usually punishable with a fine and/or jail time. It is indeed included in the FDA ruling that you are not permitted to vape in any enclosed public space. In addition, this ruling is for your safety as well as the other passengers and crew on board. For these reasons you may not use or charge your device while on the plane. Just an FYI, though vaping is not smoking, you should not try to vape stealthily in an airplane rest room. In actuality, the “smoke” alarms found in place in these bathrooms do not detect smoke, they detect any particles heavier than water. Therefore vaper from e-cigarettes can set off the alarm. If this happens it may result in you being fined or jailed and they may turn the plane around as well.


TSA requires you to have your vaping devices deconstructed when traveling with them. We also recommend traveling with empty tanks as well. This should aid in ensuring you don’t experiences issues as you pass through security. Additionally, the cabin pressure in the plane as you are flying may cause tanks to leak.

TSA also has a strictly enforced rule banning any vape batteries from being checked in your luggage. Any vaping devices you are traveling with must be powered off and packed in your carry-on bags only. Once again, this is for your safety and the safety of the others on the plane. E-liquid is included in the TSA stipulations for bringing liquids onto planes. If you are bringing your e-liquid in your carry-on, it cannot be in a bottle larger than 100ml. Also, it must fit in the one permitted quartz sized Ziploc bag along with any other liquids you are traveling with. If you need to bring more than 100ml or it won’t fit in the Ziploc bag, consider packing it in your checked luggage. But just a tip, make sure you double bag these items. Also, keep in mind that the air pressure in the plane may cause the liquid to expand so it is recommended to not bring full bottles.


To summarize, The FDA has ruled that you are not permitted to vape in any public enclosed space and this includes planes and airports. You may travel with your vaping devices but you must pack them in your carry-on and never in your checked bags. You should also take precautions when packing e-liquid to ensure no leaking. Happy traveling.