WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
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Using The MyKeno pod System
Using The MyKeno pod System

Using The MyKeno pod System

I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of vapor this small device produced.

I was an everyday cigarette smoker for 15 years and I’ve been a vaper for 4 years now. I’ve used just about every vape device under the sun in my search for the perfect one. The one that would allow me freedom from smoking cigarettes while satisfying my cravings. Some have worked better than others. Believe me, I have some horror stories I could share with you. All of that aside, I want to tell you about an amazing vaping device I found and immediately fell in love with. The My Keno Pod System is hands down the best vaping device I’ve used to date. It lets me vape to my heart’s content while being extremely easy to use.


The My Keno Pod System is a palm sized vaping device that uses pods instead of a clearomizer to deliver its vapor. Pod Systems are also palm-sized and make for discrete vaping. Now I’d just like to mention that I have used a handful of different pod systems in the past, all with mediocre results at best. This was generally because each of these devices had extremely small pods and battery capacities and it felt as if I constantly had to refill or recharge them. Not only that, but I always felt less than satisfied with the amount of vapor any of them produced. These are not the case with the My Keno Pod System. This little guy packs a punch. Not only does it have a 380mAh battery capacity but it also has pods that have a 1.5ml capacity as well. These are both close to double that of any of the other pod systems I have used and allow you to spend less time maintaining and more time vaping. Just this alone made me excited to give this system a try.


The My Keno Pod System Kit comes with the battery in your choice of colors, one pre-filled pod in your choice of Tobacco or Menthol, the USB charging cable and the instruction manual. The first thing I noticed when I removed it from its box was that it is sleek and so comfortable to hold. Its shape makes it fit in the palm of my hand perfectly and it feels virtually weightless. I’ve put it in my pocket a few times and I didn’t even feel it in there. The first thing I did before using the pod system was look the manual that came with it to ensure I knew what I was doing. Though the manual is small, it is filled with info about the My Keno Pod System and has nice detailed instructions on how to use and maintain it.


This Pod System comes with one pre-filled pod in your choice of e-liquid flavors. My choices were Menthol and Tobacco and I chose Menthol as I have never been a fan of tobacco flavors. You are also able to purchase empty pods that are refillable up to 5 times. I bought a package of these as well since I have several favorite flavors of e-liquid that I like to use regularly. The menthol flavor in the pre-filled pod was bold but not overpowering and I really enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of vapor this small device produced. Make no mistake; you won’t get a HUGE cloud like you do when using larger vape devices with sub-ohm tanks and mod batteries. But you will however experience a nice mouthful of vapor that honestly reminded me very much of how much smoke I would get when I took a drag from a cigarette.

Though I thoroughly enjoyed the Menthol pre-filled pod that came with the system, I was still anxious to try out my own e-liquid in the empty pods. I was a bit nervous to see if it would be difficult to fill but I was again pleasantly surprised. The manual explains how to fill the pods perfectly and the process was simple and easy. I removed the white silicone caps from the top and bottom of the pod and then removed the black plastic mouthpiece. To do this I simply had to pull it off. Then I removed the clear silicone stopper piece which uncovered two small holes. These holes are used to fill the pod with liquid. Once I was finished filling it up to the fill line with my favorite flavor of e-liquid, I replaced the clear silicone stopper and the black plastic mouth piece. The next and last step was to insert the pod into the device. It slid in easily. I let it sit for a few minutes to ensure that the cotton in the atomizer was completely saturated and then I was good to go.

A neat feature that I noticed when my pod was nearing empty is that the indicator light flashed 4 times to signal that the pod was empty. This is a great feature that helps you know when it’s time for the pod to be changed before you experience a burned atomizer resulting from vaping with an empty pod. Not only would this ruin your pod but it would also taste gross as well.


The battery itself is 4 inches long and is thin as well as sleek. This makes it very comfortable to use discretely as well as easy to carry with you. It is what is considered an automatic battery so there is no button, I only had to inhale for it to produce vapor. It has an LED indicator light located near the bottom on the front of the device. This has several functions. Not only does it flash to indicate that your pod is empty but it also will flash 10 times and enter sleep mode when the battery is dead and needs to be charged. Furthermore, it has a color coded light system that lets you know what level of life your battery has as well. If the light is green this means your battery is charged between 71-100%. If it is blue this tells you that your battery is charged between 31-70%. Additionally if the LED is red, this is indicating that it is charged between 0-30% and will need to be charged soon. This is a great feature that helps to insure that you always have a charge on your battery when you need it.

When you DO need to charge your battery, the procedure is simple. All that is needed is to plug in the included charger into the micro USB port found on the bottom of the battery and plug the other end into a USB port. It charges quickly, which for me is wonderful news since this means that I’m not without my vape for long. A full charge took an hour and it lasted me almost 2 days until I needed to recharge it.


The My Keno Pod System was an awesome surprise and I’ve found my every day vape. It is so easy for me to use and maintain. It comes in a handful of bright fashionable colors. Since it is priced extremely reasonably, it makes it easier to afford to buy more than one to have as a backup. (Or in case you’d like to have more than one color.) I bought a silver one but I plan on purchasing a purple one because it’s my favorite color and having a backup just in case is always smart. Overall I am thrilled with my new My Keno Pod System and if you buy one I think you will be too.